The AACS National Competition is attended by several thousand contestants each year and is a wonderful opportunity for students to improve their areas of proficiency. The details of the AACS National Competition are planned by the AACS National Office and are described in the current edition of the AACS National Competition Manual. It is strongly suggested that each school acquire a copy of the AACS National Competition Manual since there are several major differences between the AACS National Competition Manual and the IACS Competition Manual.
See the 2021-2025 IACS FABA Competition Manual (pages 12-13) on the Downloads page for "Eligibility of Entries for National Competition." Beginning with the 2024 National Competition, no 7th or 8th graders may stay in residence halls.
Please note that contestants at the AACS National Competition are limited as to the number of categories in which they may compete. Students who win at the IACS Competition in multiple areas may have to make a choice as to what areas in which to compete at the AACS Nationals Competition. This choice must be made soon after the results are posted so that other contestants may be given the opportunity.
Registration for the National Competition is held immediately following the Senior High Competition awards ceremony. A representative from each school should attend this meeting and be prepared with all the information needed to complete registration before leaving the host site.
Please refer to the AACS website for Competition information regarding the schedule, registration, and submissions guidelines.
See the 2021-2025 IACS FABA Competition Manual (pages 12-13) on the Downloads page for "Eligibility of Entries for National Competition." Beginning with the 2024 National Competition, no 7th or 8th graders may stay in residence halls.
Please note that contestants at the AACS National Competition are limited as to the number of categories in which they may compete. Students who win at the IACS Competition in multiple areas may have to make a choice as to what areas in which to compete at the AACS Nationals Competition. This choice must be made soon after the results are posted so that other contestants may be given the opportunity.
Registration for the National Competition is held immediately following the Senior High Competition awards ceremony. A representative from each school should attend this meeting and be prepared with all the information needed to complete registration before leaving the host site.
Please refer to the AACS website for Competition information regarding the schedule, registration, and submissions guidelines.