Helpful Links and Resources
American Association of Christian Schools
Alliance Defending Freedom - the world’s largest legal organization committed to protecting religious freedom, free speech, marriage and family, parental rights, and the sanctity of life.
National Center for Life and Liberty - A nonprofit legal ministry that serves to protect and defend the Bible-based values upon which our nation was founded: church liberties, parental liberties, individual liberties, and issues of life.
Indiana Family Institute - a non-partisan public education and research organization that believes firmly that the family is the key institution of society; committed to strengthening and improving the marriages and families of all Hoosiers.
The Good Citizen Project - equipping church leaders and other committed Christians to be Gospel-centered citizens
Palmetto Fortiss - providing educators with the best tools for their classroom and beyond.
Teachers Pay Teachers - where extraordinary teachers share their most innovative ideas
Teacher Edition Podcast - Sometimes, instead of another teaching philosophy, you just need some fun or practical tips to take back to your classroom. Join host Jenny Copeland on the Teacher Edition podcast for the inspiration and energy you need to transform your teaching.
Christian School Leadership Ministries - Dr. Hubert Hertzler; helping schools accomplish their spiritual missions.
MinistrySafe - background checks, child abuse awareness training, etc.
Safe Hiring Solutions - reliable source for SafeVisitor, SafeVolunteer, SROapp, background screening, etc.
Vector Solutions - training modules to meet state requirements for K-12 schools