Workshop I (Thursday 11:00-11:50)
Choral Reading Seminar: Great Expectations
Roger VanMaasdam (Taylor Chapel)
There are a number of music publishing companies that exist to meet the needs of music educators from coast to coast. Most of these companies are trying to produce sacred music for the needs of a multi-faceted ministry. Fortunately, there is a good amount of new quality music that is available for your performance groups. Come and enjoy a musical reading experience - singing and listening through some of the newest and most exciting choral literature and see what repertoire would best fit your programming ideas. The valuable packet is yours to take home.
Setting up Art Class for the Junior High and High School level
Vickii (Nesbit) Carter (A14)
Strategic Planning for the Christian School
Brian Carruthers (B5)
Is your school fulfilling its goals and objectives? Does your school have goals and objectives? What is your ministry's mission statement? Where do you see your school five years from now? These questions and others will be addressed as this workshop discusses strategic planning for the Christian School.
Teaching Physics
Bill Lovegrove (B6)
This workshop is a discussion of several topics related to teaching physics including student attitudes, teaching strategies, math skills, teaching resources, and preparation for college physics.
Nehemiah or Sanballat: The Power of Godly Encouragement at School
Dr. William Licht (B8)
A spiritual leader motivates others by Biblical encouragement. Do we make the most of our opportunities to encourage?
The Origin and Purpose of the Moon
George Matzko (B9)
Where did the moon come from? Why did God create the moon? What’s the moon up there for? Would we miss the moon if it were gone? What are the symbolic references to the Moon in God’s Word?
Journaling: Combatting the Fear of the Blank Page
Dennae White (B11)
But I don't know what to write? How do I start? These questions are common when beginning a writing assignment. How can you use journalling in your classroom to get over that fear of the blank page? Your students really can express themselves!
Schoogle? An Introduction to G Suite for Education
David Warren (103/105)
Come explore a variety of ways to use the FREE suite of tools known as the G Suite in the classroom. Move beyond the static workflow environment and take advantage of the full suite of dynamic features that are now standard in G Suite. Let's peek at what's new and explore what's possible when we give our students access to these tools and these advanced features.
How to Avoid Common Mistakes of Beginning History Teachers
John S. Reese (104/106)
What are the “Big 12 NO-NOs” of teaching secondary history? If you are not sure or if you are looking for a refresher session on classroom teaching techniques which will help take your history teaching to the next level, you will not want to miss this session!
Seven Laws of Teaching - Successful Teachers Implement These Laws in the Classroom
Tom Vogel (107)
All successful teaching takes into account these seven natural laws of teaching. They are based upon the God given nature of man and have a inviolable foundation in the word of God. The laws are explained, the philosophy behind the laws, and the results of violating these laws.
Navigating Indiana’s Statewide Assessments
Kourtney Dolvin (108)
School and Corporation Testing Coordinators must manage multiple policies and procedures in regards to statewide assessments. Navigating this continually changing information requires considerable time and careful planning. This workshop will provide suggestions and information in regards to balancing Indiana's statewide assessments, as well as a discussion on how to deliberately seek to help your school give your best to Him in everything that you are called to pursue.
Bible Integration Across the Disciplines
Brad Batdorf (202)
As Christian educators, we have the challenge of helping students master not just content but also a biblical perspective on every subject. In this session, we will explore a simple yet profound model for Bible integration, as well as a method of analyzing four levels that can be seen in our instruction.
The Power of Literature: Developing Articulate Thinkers
Penscola - Cindy Quinlan (203)
The study of literature is more than merely acquainting our students with great works and authors. Rather, literary study should challenge students not only to think but to articulate and defend those thoughts. Understanding the power and promise to be found in literature can help the teacher prepare and present the material as he skillfully leads his students in reading, analyzing, and discussing literature.
Walk Circumspectly: Redeeming the Time
Faith Baptist College (205)
Why Is Negative Times Negative Always Positive? -- And Other Tough Questions
Cornelia A. Van Cott (204)
Every math teacher gets questions like this. Sometimes, it's tempting to answer, "It just is." In this session, we'll investigate a variety of math questions that come up with students, and we will work to give satisfying answers. If you have math questions of your own, be sure to bring them! All teachers are welcome at this session from elementary level on up.
Gender Mayhem: Behind the Curtain of Gender Deviation
Dan Best (206)
This session will answer many questions likened to the following: What are the big unseen issues with gender and gender role deviation? What is at the heart of the gender controversy? What are the two main fronts of the gender error? What are the key arguments and scripture verses used by gender error advocates? Why should I be concerned? How does this affect me? What should be my disposition.?
Working With Parents — Blessing or Prayer Request?
Matt Williams (207)
This workshop shares some very important do’s and don’ts that teachers need to know in working with parents.
Encouraging Oral Communication Skills from the Preschool to the Pulpit
Kris Miller (208)
This workshop provides scriptural motivation for teaching our children to effectively communicate on their feet. It also includes ideas for the elementary classroom, as well as all high school subject areas. Numerous contest guidelines and selection ideas are included.
Roger VanMaasdam (Taylor Chapel)
There are a number of music publishing companies that exist to meet the needs of music educators from coast to coast. Most of these companies are trying to produce sacred music for the needs of a multi-faceted ministry. Fortunately, there is a good amount of new quality music that is available for your performance groups. Come and enjoy a musical reading experience - singing and listening through some of the newest and most exciting choral literature and see what repertoire would best fit your programming ideas. The valuable packet is yours to take home.
Setting up Art Class for the Junior High and High School level
Vickii (Nesbit) Carter (A14)
Strategic Planning for the Christian School
Brian Carruthers (B5)
Is your school fulfilling its goals and objectives? Does your school have goals and objectives? What is your ministry's mission statement? Where do you see your school five years from now? These questions and others will be addressed as this workshop discusses strategic planning for the Christian School.
Teaching Physics
Bill Lovegrove (B6)
This workshop is a discussion of several topics related to teaching physics including student attitudes, teaching strategies, math skills, teaching resources, and preparation for college physics.
Nehemiah or Sanballat: The Power of Godly Encouragement at School
Dr. William Licht (B8)
A spiritual leader motivates others by Biblical encouragement. Do we make the most of our opportunities to encourage?
The Origin and Purpose of the Moon
George Matzko (B9)
Where did the moon come from? Why did God create the moon? What’s the moon up there for? Would we miss the moon if it were gone? What are the symbolic references to the Moon in God’s Word?
Journaling: Combatting the Fear of the Blank Page
Dennae White (B11)
But I don't know what to write? How do I start? These questions are common when beginning a writing assignment. How can you use journalling in your classroom to get over that fear of the blank page? Your students really can express themselves!
Schoogle? An Introduction to G Suite for Education
David Warren (103/105)
Come explore a variety of ways to use the FREE suite of tools known as the G Suite in the classroom. Move beyond the static workflow environment and take advantage of the full suite of dynamic features that are now standard in G Suite. Let's peek at what's new and explore what's possible when we give our students access to these tools and these advanced features.
How to Avoid Common Mistakes of Beginning History Teachers
John S. Reese (104/106)
What are the “Big 12 NO-NOs” of teaching secondary history? If you are not sure or if you are looking for a refresher session on classroom teaching techniques which will help take your history teaching to the next level, you will not want to miss this session!
Seven Laws of Teaching - Successful Teachers Implement These Laws in the Classroom
Tom Vogel (107)
All successful teaching takes into account these seven natural laws of teaching. They are based upon the God given nature of man and have a inviolable foundation in the word of God. The laws are explained, the philosophy behind the laws, and the results of violating these laws.
Navigating Indiana’s Statewide Assessments
Kourtney Dolvin (108)
School and Corporation Testing Coordinators must manage multiple policies and procedures in regards to statewide assessments. Navigating this continually changing information requires considerable time and careful planning. This workshop will provide suggestions and information in regards to balancing Indiana's statewide assessments, as well as a discussion on how to deliberately seek to help your school give your best to Him in everything that you are called to pursue.
Bible Integration Across the Disciplines
Brad Batdorf (202)
As Christian educators, we have the challenge of helping students master not just content but also a biblical perspective on every subject. In this session, we will explore a simple yet profound model for Bible integration, as well as a method of analyzing four levels that can be seen in our instruction.
The Power of Literature: Developing Articulate Thinkers
Penscola - Cindy Quinlan (203)
The study of literature is more than merely acquainting our students with great works and authors. Rather, literary study should challenge students not only to think but to articulate and defend those thoughts. Understanding the power and promise to be found in literature can help the teacher prepare and present the material as he skillfully leads his students in reading, analyzing, and discussing literature.
Walk Circumspectly: Redeeming the Time
Faith Baptist College (205)
Why Is Negative Times Negative Always Positive? -- And Other Tough Questions
Cornelia A. Van Cott (204)
Every math teacher gets questions like this. Sometimes, it's tempting to answer, "It just is." In this session, we'll investigate a variety of math questions that come up with students, and we will work to give satisfying answers. If you have math questions of your own, be sure to bring them! All teachers are welcome at this session from elementary level on up.
Gender Mayhem: Behind the Curtain of Gender Deviation
Dan Best (206)
This session will answer many questions likened to the following: What are the big unseen issues with gender and gender role deviation? What is at the heart of the gender controversy? What are the two main fronts of the gender error? What are the key arguments and scripture verses used by gender error advocates? Why should I be concerned? How does this affect me? What should be my disposition.?
Working With Parents — Blessing or Prayer Request?
Matt Williams (207)
This workshop shares some very important do’s and don’ts that teachers need to know in working with parents.
Encouraging Oral Communication Skills from the Preschool to the Pulpit
Kris Miller (208)
This workshop provides scriptural motivation for teaching our children to effectively communicate on their feet. It also includes ideas for the elementary classroom, as well as all high school subject areas. Numerous contest guidelines and selection ideas are included.
Workshop II (Thursday 1:20-2:10)
A Power Unleashed: Classroom Prayer - Ritual or Reality
Marty Von (Taylor Chapel)
For decades we have heard and seen the tragic decline of public education. The declarations became public policy; no prayer or Bible reading in the classroom. Christian education would be different. Christ-centered classroom practices would rescue and reclaim students for the cause of God’s Kingdom. Available to us would be the most vital and most powerful link between God and His created beings - the power of prayer unleashed. Prayer is the greatest resource available to influence life change and turn a world upside down; but too often it is compartmentalized into meals and the opening and closing of events. Prayer has become dutifully familiar, too routine and ritualistic. What if we could ignite our students to pray? Not only would this powerful force of prayer change individuals; but an entire school atmosphere could be transformed. This presentation is not about why we should pray; rather it is intended to engage students on how to pray. Motivating students to pray is a necessary prerequisite to any surrendered life. We will use a Biblical model that has wonderful implications in teaching students to pray, using the classroom as a beginning point for that outcome.
Helping Your Students to Become More “Globally Minded”
Ann Carruthers (B5)
With our classrooms becoming more diverse and students more aware of the world around them, teachers should look for opportunities to integrate cultural studies in their classroom teaching. This workshop will provide practical ways to explore the way people live in other parts of the world as well as a means to challenge students with the Great Commission, “Go ye into all the world…”
Internet Safety
Bill Lovegrove (B6)
A biblical perspective on the dangers of technology. Helpful information and guidelines are included in this workshop for parents, teachers, and administrators concerned about the dangers we face when using the Internet, social media, and other technological advances.
Is a Biblical Worldview Important?
Dr. William Licht (B8)
Very few Americans still maintain a Biblical worldview. Does a Biblical worldview permeate every aspect of your school? Do your students have a Biblical Worldview? What can we do to help?
Global Warming - Bible Warning
George Matzko (B9)
It's easy to be alarmed over TV footage of melting glaciers and of polar bears having to swim more and having trouble finding food. Perhaps you have heard that if global warming continues the polar bears and other wildlife will be extinct within 50 years. Could global warming bring the destruction of the earth as we know it? This workshop will put global warming into its proper scientific and Biblical perspective based on nearly 20 years of teaching about climate change on the university level.
The Timeless and Essential Message of Ecclesiastes
John Rinehart (B10)
Making History Come Alive
Dennae White (B11)
The history teachers that inspired us were able to help us see the story in history. They made real people come alive and sparked our imagination through their descriptions of battles and majestic lands. How can you do this in your classroom when you are trying to cover multiple subjects? Come get some resources that will help engage your students in the story of history.
The Benefits of Deploying Chromebooks in Your School
David Warren (103/105)
Pirating the Past: The Impact of Historical Revisionism in Today's Classroom
John S. Reese (104/106)
History is under attack! What can Christian school history teachers, as gate keepers of the past, do to combat these trends? Come learn how we can equip ourselves with God’s truth in order to fend off these treacherous attacks and make our history classrooms havens in these troubled days.
Bloom's Taxonomy of Learning Vs. God's Taxonomy of Learning
Tom Vogel (107)
Dr. Benjamin Bloom’s time tested research on learning never took into account God’s taxonomy of learning. Bloom’s research did not consider God’s understanding of man and man’s sin nature. It is impossible to understand man if we do not understand mans relationship to God.
Every Creeping Thing: The Bugs of the Bible
Brad Batdorf (202)
Teaching Academic Writing: Making the "Impossible" Possible (Secondary)
Penscola - Cindy Quinlan (203)
How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. How do you complete a composition? One step at a time. Teach your students to be competent, confident writers by breaking each writing assignment down into clear steps that any student can follow. In this session, we will examine a variety of English writing assignments, showing how the teacher’s use of steps, patterns, and examples supplies the students with the necessary know-how to write well.
Music to Enhance Learning in Elementary through High School
Faith Baptist College (205)
Mathematical Games for Middle School and High School Students
Cornelia A. Van Cott (204)
When you finish your lesson early and have a few minutes to spare, you can (secretly) continue math instruction by playing games which require some mathematical thinking. In this session, we will discuss and play several games together so that you can play them with your own students. This session is perfect for junior high and high school teachers, but all are welcome
Gender Defender: Defending a Biblical View of Gender
Dan Best (206)
This session will answer many questions likened to the following: How does one engage gender error? How does one use the sword of God’s Word to confront gender error? What key passages particularly address gender error? What is necessary to stand one’s own biblical gender ground against error? What basic instruction is essential to defending a biblical view of gender?
Let Your Purpose Prioritize Your Life — Four Characteristics of Distinction
Matt Williams (207)
We will discuss four key qualities given in Romans 12:1–2 that are vital to one’s spiritual growth. These are essential for our spiritual freshness and for our students’ spiritual development. They include having a different goal, different authority, different attitude and actions, and different way of handling problems.
Language Intervention Activities for the Preschool Classroom: Promoting Oral Language
Kris Miller (208)
Marty Von (Taylor Chapel)
For decades we have heard and seen the tragic decline of public education. The declarations became public policy; no prayer or Bible reading in the classroom. Christian education would be different. Christ-centered classroom practices would rescue and reclaim students for the cause of God’s Kingdom. Available to us would be the most vital and most powerful link between God and His created beings - the power of prayer unleashed. Prayer is the greatest resource available to influence life change and turn a world upside down; but too often it is compartmentalized into meals and the opening and closing of events. Prayer has become dutifully familiar, too routine and ritualistic. What if we could ignite our students to pray? Not only would this powerful force of prayer change individuals; but an entire school atmosphere could be transformed. This presentation is not about why we should pray; rather it is intended to engage students on how to pray. Motivating students to pray is a necessary prerequisite to any surrendered life. We will use a Biblical model that has wonderful implications in teaching students to pray, using the classroom as a beginning point for that outcome.
Helping Your Students to Become More “Globally Minded”
Ann Carruthers (B5)
With our classrooms becoming more diverse and students more aware of the world around them, teachers should look for opportunities to integrate cultural studies in their classroom teaching. This workshop will provide practical ways to explore the way people live in other parts of the world as well as a means to challenge students with the Great Commission, “Go ye into all the world…”
Internet Safety
Bill Lovegrove (B6)
A biblical perspective on the dangers of technology. Helpful information and guidelines are included in this workshop for parents, teachers, and administrators concerned about the dangers we face when using the Internet, social media, and other technological advances.
Is a Biblical Worldview Important?
Dr. William Licht (B8)
Very few Americans still maintain a Biblical worldview. Does a Biblical worldview permeate every aspect of your school? Do your students have a Biblical Worldview? What can we do to help?
Global Warming - Bible Warning
George Matzko (B9)
It's easy to be alarmed over TV footage of melting glaciers and of polar bears having to swim more and having trouble finding food. Perhaps you have heard that if global warming continues the polar bears and other wildlife will be extinct within 50 years. Could global warming bring the destruction of the earth as we know it? This workshop will put global warming into its proper scientific and Biblical perspective based on nearly 20 years of teaching about climate change on the university level.
The Timeless and Essential Message of Ecclesiastes
John Rinehart (B10)
Making History Come Alive
Dennae White (B11)
The history teachers that inspired us were able to help us see the story in history. They made real people come alive and sparked our imagination through their descriptions of battles and majestic lands. How can you do this in your classroom when you are trying to cover multiple subjects? Come get some resources that will help engage your students in the story of history.
The Benefits of Deploying Chromebooks in Your School
David Warren (103/105)
Pirating the Past: The Impact of Historical Revisionism in Today's Classroom
John S. Reese (104/106)
History is under attack! What can Christian school history teachers, as gate keepers of the past, do to combat these trends? Come learn how we can equip ourselves with God’s truth in order to fend off these treacherous attacks and make our history classrooms havens in these troubled days.
Bloom's Taxonomy of Learning Vs. God's Taxonomy of Learning
Tom Vogel (107)
Dr. Benjamin Bloom’s time tested research on learning never took into account God’s taxonomy of learning. Bloom’s research did not consider God’s understanding of man and man’s sin nature. It is impossible to understand man if we do not understand mans relationship to God.
Every Creeping Thing: The Bugs of the Bible
Brad Batdorf (202)
Teaching Academic Writing: Making the "Impossible" Possible (Secondary)
Penscola - Cindy Quinlan (203)
How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. How do you complete a composition? One step at a time. Teach your students to be competent, confident writers by breaking each writing assignment down into clear steps that any student can follow. In this session, we will examine a variety of English writing assignments, showing how the teacher’s use of steps, patterns, and examples supplies the students with the necessary know-how to write well.
Music to Enhance Learning in Elementary through High School
Faith Baptist College (205)
Mathematical Games for Middle School and High School Students
Cornelia A. Van Cott (204)
When you finish your lesson early and have a few minutes to spare, you can (secretly) continue math instruction by playing games which require some mathematical thinking. In this session, we will discuss and play several games together so that you can play them with your own students. This session is perfect for junior high and high school teachers, but all are welcome
Gender Defender: Defending a Biblical View of Gender
Dan Best (206)
This session will answer many questions likened to the following: How does one engage gender error? How does one use the sword of God’s Word to confront gender error? What key passages particularly address gender error? What is necessary to stand one’s own biblical gender ground against error? What basic instruction is essential to defending a biblical view of gender?
Let Your Purpose Prioritize Your Life — Four Characteristics of Distinction
Matt Williams (207)
We will discuss four key qualities given in Romans 12:1–2 that are vital to one’s spiritual growth. These are essential for our spiritual freshness and for our students’ spiritual development. They include having a different goal, different authority, different attitude and actions, and different way of handling problems.
Language Intervention Activities for the Preschool Classroom: Promoting Oral Language
Kris Miller (208)
Workshop III (Thursday 2:30-3:20)
Fine Arts Competitions: Preparing Students for Success
Roger VanMaasdam (Taylor Chapel)
Setting Up and Teaching Elementary Art
Vickii (Nesbit) Carter (A14)
Characteristics of the 21st Century Teacher
Brian Carruther (B5)
Todays' teachers must motivate students to learn in environments dominated by external influences such as sports, television, social networking, texting, video games, and the internet and yet be ready to meet the expectations of a global work market. Teachers must develop new skills or modify existing skills to meet the needs of these students in this new learning environment.
Teaching the Big Ideas
Bill Lovegrove (B6)
The philosophy and practical how-to advice for focusing your teaching on communicating the most important ideas of your discipline.
What Does Research Say about Homework?
Dr. William Licht (B8)
What does educational research reveal about homework? Does homework help or hinder student learning and motivation?
The Doctrine of Creation
George Matzko (B9)
The what, who, how, when and why of Creation.
It's Just Kindergarten, Right?...Wrong!
Bonnie Brater (B10)
How many times have I heard someone say, "You teach Kindergarten? You have it easy." This is so not true! When you look at all that's involved and expected of you as a Kindergarten teacher, it's a huge responsibility. We are laying the foundation on which the students' learning experiences will built. It needs to be well grounded, firm, and also well rounded. I want to look at a few areas, such as: what's involved in teaching a kindergärtner, how to teach them, and aids and manipulatives to help with teaching them. And, of course one of the most important aspects - communication, with both the students and the parents.
Trivializing God: Misconceptions Children Have About the Bible
Dennae White (B11)
To students in the classroom, Bible is merely another academic subject. They study for tests and quizzes just like any other academic discipline. Instead of viewing the Bible as a means to have a relationship with their Savior, they view it as storybook full of interesting tales of heros and heroines. How do we combat this?
Managing a 1:1 Chromebook Campus
David Warren (103/105)
Learn tips and tricks for managing a 1:1 Chromebook campus from a principal’s perspective. See how we selected devices, trained teachers and students, and increased parent knowledge, understanding and use of technology. Our school is a 1:1 campus and is a Google Classroom pilot school. All students and faculty have been issued Google Chromebooks and they are utilized daily both at school and at home. I'll share our vision, our road map, and our results.
What on Earth Is Geography and How in the World Do You Teach It? (Secondary)
John S. Reese (104/106)
One British writer observed that geography is about maps and history is about chaps! So, if geography portrays the stage on which the drama of history unfolds, we need to communicate the scenery correctly n our geography and history classes. Beginning with an overview of “Strategic Geography,” this session provides elements and ideas to intrigue your students in their study of this important subject.
You Are an Influence
John Allen (107)
Grasping at Stars: Astrobiology and Evolution
Brad Batdorf (202)
The search for life and its origins has gone out of this world. Mars Exploration Rovers looking for water and lab scientists scouring meteorites for fossils are all in the hunt. Learn how the evolving science of astrobiology is gaining popularity and acceptance as it tries to explain the origin of everything apart from the Creator.
Cultivating Excellence in Our Students (Secondary)
Penscola - Cindy Quinlan (203)
Striving to help our students comprehend such concepts as adjective clauses, covalent bonding, and Fibonacci numbers, we become so focused on imparting knowledge that we sometimes overlook the greater responsibility of training character. As important as the academic foundation we’re laying for our students is, our greatest influence as Christian teachers will be on the hearts of our students, not just their minds. Be both encouraged and challenged as we examine the importance of excellence and share practical ways of pushing students to their potential.
This Class Isn’t Boring Like I Thought It Would Be: Engaging Activities for 21st Century Students
Faith Baptist College (205)
Arithmetic Redefined
Cornelia A. Van Cott (204)
Every math teacher needs to have a few tricks up his sleeves. This session provides just that. We will discuss how a small change in the rules of addition leads to a parallel universe of arithmetic called modular arithmetic. This arithmetic is a critical part of how our digital world works today. Credit card numbers, bar codes, locker combinations, tracking numbers, and even calendars use modular arithmetic. Wanna crack the code? You can, if you come to this session! All teachers are welcome at this session from elementary level on up.
Taking Your Thoughts Captive (General)
Judy Brewster (206)
What should you do when you are worried, anxious, or afraid? This session will help you view these crippling emotions through the lens of the Word of God, helping you to know and to apply the solutions given there.
Intentional Motivation Using the 5 Love Languages by Dr. Gary Chapman
Marian Platt (207)
Phonological Awareness: Is This Child Ready to Read?
Kris Miller (208)
This workshop will emphasize the importance of phonological awareness as related to reading. It will provide methods of teaching visual and tactile awareness of sounds as preparation for reading, as well as alternative methods for teaching sound blending for reading and spelling.
Roger VanMaasdam (Taylor Chapel)
Setting Up and Teaching Elementary Art
Vickii (Nesbit) Carter (A14)
Characteristics of the 21st Century Teacher
Brian Carruther (B5)
Todays' teachers must motivate students to learn in environments dominated by external influences such as sports, television, social networking, texting, video games, and the internet and yet be ready to meet the expectations of a global work market. Teachers must develop new skills or modify existing skills to meet the needs of these students in this new learning environment.
Teaching the Big Ideas
Bill Lovegrove (B6)
The philosophy and practical how-to advice for focusing your teaching on communicating the most important ideas of your discipline.
What Does Research Say about Homework?
Dr. William Licht (B8)
What does educational research reveal about homework? Does homework help or hinder student learning and motivation?
The Doctrine of Creation
George Matzko (B9)
The what, who, how, when and why of Creation.
It's Just Kindergarten, Right?...Wrong!
Bonnie Brater (B10)
How many times have I heard someone say, "You teach Kindergarten? You have it easy." This is so not true! When you look at all that's involved and expected of you as a Kindergarten teacher, it's a huge responsibility. We are laying the foundation on which the students' learning experiences will built. It needs to be well grounded, firm, and also well rounded. I want to look at a few areas, such as: what's involved in teaching a kindergärtner, how to teach them, and aids and manipulatives to help with teaching them. And, of course one of the most important aspects - communication, with both the students and the parents.
Trivializing God: Misconceptions Children Have About the Bible
Dennae White (B11)
To students in the classroom, Bible is merely another academic subject. They study for tests and quizzes just like any other academic discipline. Instead of viewing the Bible as a means to have a relationship with their Savior, they view it as storybook full of interesting tales of heros and heroines. How do we combat this?
Managing a 1:1 Chromebook Campus
David Warren (103/105)
Learn tips and tricks for managing a 1:1 Chromebook campus from a principal’s perspective. See how we selected devices, trained teachers and students, and increased parent knowledge, understanding and use of technology. Our school is a 1:1 campus and is a Google Classroom pilot school. All students and faculty have been issued Google Chromebooks and they are utilized daily both at school and at home. I'll share our vision, our road map, and our results.
What on Earth Is Geography and How in the World Do You Teach It? (Secondary)
John S. Reese (104/106)
One British writer observed that geography is about maps and history is about chaps! So, if geography portrays the stage on which the drama of history unfolds, we need to communicate the scenery correctly n our geography and history classes. Beginning with an overview of “Strategic Geography,” this session provides elements and ideas to intrigue your students in their study of this important subject.
You Are an Influence
John Allen (107)
Grasping at Stars: Astrobiology and Evolution
Brad Batdorf (202)
The search for life and its origins has gone out of this world. Mars Exploration Rovers looking for water and lab scientists scouring meteorites for fossils are all in the hunt. Learn how the evolving science of astrobiology is gaining popularity and acceptance as it tries to explain the origin of everything apart from the Creator.
Cultivating Excellence in Our Students (Secondary)
Penscola - Cindy Quinlan (203)
Striving to help our students comprehend such concepts as adjective clauses, covalent bonding, and Fibonacci numbers, we become so focused on imparting knowledge that we sometimes overlook the greater responsibility of training character. As important as the academic foundation we’re laying for our students is, our greatest influence as Christian teachers will be on the hearts of our students, not just their minds. Be both encouraged and challenged as we examine the importance of excellence and share practical ways of pushing students to their potential.
This Class Isn’t Boring Like I Thought It Would Be: Engaging Activities for 21st Century Students
Faith Baptist College (205)
Arithmetic Redefined
Cornelia A. Van Cott (204)
Every math teacher needs to have a few tricks up his sleeves. This session provides just that. We will discuss how a small change in the rules of addition leads to a parallel universe of arithmetic called modular arithmetic. This arithmetic is a critical part of how our digital world works today. Credit card numbers, bar codes, locker combinations, tracking numbers, and even calendars use modular arithmetic. Wanna crack the code? You can, if you come to this session! All teachers are welcome at this session from elementary level on up.
Taking Your Thoughts Captive (General)
Judy Brewster (206)
What should you do when you are worried, anxious, or afraid? This session will help you view these crippling emotions through the lens of the Word of God, helping you to know and to apply the solutions given there.
Intentional Motivation Using the 5 Love Languages by Dr. Gary Chapman
Marian Platt (207)
Phonological Awareness: Is This Child Ready to Read?
Kris Miller (208)
This workshop will emphasize the importance of phonological awareness as related to reading. It will provide methods of teaching visual and tactile awareness of sounds as preparation for reading, as well as alternative methods for teaching sound blending for reading and spelling.
Workshop IV (Thursday 3:40-4:20)
Deception Can It Be Stopped: Passing the Deception Test
Marty Von (Taylor Chapel)
Students are provided with a variety of assessment tests. But one essential life changing test that few students from junior high through high school have never taken is the deception test. They experience it; but they do not realize that it is not a test with multiple choice answers; but rather it is a life transformation that turns their world upside down. There are six critical life areas that define and measure this deception test including identity and motivation. Each teacher should have a basic understanding of the force and control of deception, how to test for it, and how to rescue students from it.
Foreign Language FAQs - A General Session for Both Language Educators and Administrators
Lorenzo Martinez (A14)
Individualizing Instruction in the Elementary Grades
Ann Carruthers (B5)
Each year your classroom includes students who come from a variety of backgrounds; each with unique learning styles and different levels of reading. Your challenge in this environment will be to identify ways to individualize your instruction in order to best meet the academic needs of each of these students. This workshop explores a variety of student characteristics usually found in today’s classroom as well as instructional strategies to help them meet your academic goals for the year.
The Christian and the Environment
Bill Lovegrove (B6)
A Biblical perspective on our attitudes and responsibilities regarding the environment.
Safe Hiring Solutions
Mike McCarty (B8)
The Sun from the Bible and Science
George Matzko (B9)
What is the Sun? According to evolutionary scientists, where did the sun come from? What are the physical characteristics of the Sun that should cause us to praise the Creator? What does Psalm 19 tell us about the sun that further reveals the Creator’s glory?
Luther's 95 Theses 500 Years Later
John Rinehart (B10)
Unravelling Writing & Grammar
Dennae White (B11)
This subject is often considered one of the most boring in school. However, it doesn't have to be! These two aspects of language arts can work hand in hand and reinforce and assess each other. Find out ways to help your visual learners with aspects of grammar and decode the mystery of using rubrics to assess writing projects.
FREE Apps that You Can Use TODAY!
David Warren (103/105)
Does your school have zero budget and little vision for technology in the classroom? In this fast paced and interactive session I will give you some go to apps that any teacher can begin using right away to enhance their classroom. I guarantee you will leave with something you will use in your classroom this fall! Bring your device and interact or just watch and learn. (Android tablet or phone, iPad or iphone, or any laptop will work)
Steeling (Vs. Stealing) the Minds of Our Youth (General)
John S. Reese (104/106)
The final words of a dying person often are weighty ones. Patrick Henry told those around him, “Oh, how wretched should I be at this moment, if I had not made my peace with God.” Amidst our often frenetic schedules in and around the classroom, sometimes we fail to take advantage of those "teachable moments” to influence our students for eternity. This session provides thoughtful reminders and recommendations which will ensure that our classroom investments pass the end-of-life test.
The Biblical Foundation of the Christian School: Shows Why the Christian School is God’s Method of Educating our Children
Tom Vogel (107)
The Christian school is God’s plan for educating children. The Bible is very clear about how the Christian school should be organized, the philosophy of education, the qualifications of teachers, and the curriculum.
Enriching Students with Supplemental Programs
Coffman, Dolvin; Fry, Janna, CCSTeam (108)
Because today’s classrooms include students to whom God has given diverse abilities and talents, it is essential that the needs of these students be addressed. This workshop will provide suggestions for enrichment programs that will provide differentiation so that students develop levels of understanding that correspond to individual strengths, as well as help students nurture their God-given gifts.
Next Generation Science Standards: A Reasonable Response
Brad Batdorf (202)
The latest national standards for science education call for some revolutionary changes in instructional practices. Come learn about the new standards and their potential impact on science students.
Parent-Teacher Relations: Positive Communications
Faith Baptist College (205)
How to Answer "When Am I Going to Use This?"
Cornelia A. Van Cott (204)
Sally from the comic strip Peanuts once said, "Only in math problems can you buy 60 cantaloupes, and no one asks what is wrong with you." Sally was right. Mathematics can often be disconnected from reality. But our dialogue should not stop there -- there is more to the story! In this session, we will discuss the "big picture" behind every-day classroom learning of mathematics. We will highlight current developments in math, and we will discuss a deeper perspective on mathematics both as an art and as a tool
Developing Godly Character in Our Children (Kindergarten and Elementary)
Judy Brewster (206)
Luke 2 has given us a brief glimpse into the life of Jesus Christ as a twelve-year-old. His example there shows us a child that is a far cry from the average adolescent today. What if we could help our children and students mirror the beautiful picture that we see in the adolescent years of Jesus? This session will provide several important character traits that parents and teachers should be developing in their
children brefore they reach the age of twelve. Practical ideas will be given to encourage the development of Christian character in the elementary-age child.
Wrong Assumptions and Misunderstandings
John Alenn (207)
Speech-Language Problems in Adolescents
Kris Miller (208)
Speech-Language problems do not disappear when a child enters middle and high school. In fact, these deficits are often exacerbated by the additional expectations placed upon these students. This workshop will identify the language, literacy, and social issues prevalent in adolescents, and provide accommodations and strategies for building up these abilities necessary for academic and social success.
Marty Von (Taylor Chapel)
Students are provided with a variety of assessment tests. But one essential life changing test that few students from junior high through high school have never taken is the deception test. They experience it; but they do not realize that it is not a test with multiple choice answers; but rather it is a life transformation that turns their world upside down. There are six critical life areas that define and measure this deception test including identity and motivation. Each teacher should have a basic understanding of the force and control of deception, how to test for it, and how to rescue students from it.
Foreign Language FAQs - A General Session for Both Language Educators and Administrators
Lorenzo Martinez (A14)
Individualizing Instruction in the Elementary Grades
Ann Carruthers (B5)
Each year your classroom includes students who come from a variety of backgrounds; each with unique learning styles and different levels of reading. Your challenge in this environment will be to identify ways to individualize your instruction in order to best meet the academic needs of each of these students. This workshop explores a variety of student characteristics usually found in today’s classroom as well as instructional strategies to help them meet your academic goals for the year.
The Christian and the Environment
Bill Lovegrove (B6)
A Biblical perspective on our attitudes and responsibilities regarding the environment.
Safe Hiring Solutions
Mike McCarty (B8)
The Sun from the Bible and Science
George Matzko (B9)
What is the Sun? According to evolutionary scientists, where did the sun come from? What are the physical characteristics of the Sun that should cause us to praise the Creator? What does Psalm 19 tell us about the sun that further reveals the Creator’s glory?
Luther's 95 Theses 500 Years Later
John Rinehart (B10)
Unravelling Writing & Grammar
Dennae White (B11)
This subject is often considered one of the most boring in school. However, it doesn't have to be! These two aspects of language arts can work hand in hand and reinforce and assess each other. Find out ways to help your visual learners with aspects of grammar and decode the mystery of using rubrics to assess writing projects.
FREE Apps that You Can Use TODAY!
David Warren (103/105)
Does your school have zero budget and little vision for technology in the classroom? In this fast paced and interactive session I will give you some go to apps that any teacher can begin using right away to enhance their classroom. I guarantee you will leave with something you will use in your classroom this fall! Bring your device and interact or just watch and learn. (Android tablet or phone, iPad or iphone, or any laptop will work)
Steeling (Vs. Stealing) the Minds of Our Youth (General)
John S. Reese (104/106)
The final words of a dying person often are weighty ones. Patrick Henry told those around him, “Oh, how wretched should I be at this moment, if I had not made my peace with God.” Amidst our often frenetic schedules in and around the classroom, sometimes we fail to take advantage of those "teachable moments” to influence our students for eternity. This session provides thoughtful reminders and recommendations which will ensure that our classroom investments pass the end-of-life test.
The Biblical Foundation of the Christian School: Shows Why the Christian School is God’s Method of Educating our Children
Tom Vogel (107)
The Christian school is God’s plan for educating children. The Bible is very clear about how the Christian school should be organized, the philosophy of education, the qualifications of teachers, and the curriculum.
Enriching Students with Supplemental Programs
Coffman, Dolvin; Fry, Janna, CCSTeam (108)
Because today’s classrooms include students to whom God has given diverse abilities and talents, it is essential that the needs of these students be addressed. This workshop will provide suggestions for enrichment programs that will provide differentiation so that students develop levels of understanding that correspond to individual strengths, as well as help students nurture their God-given gifts.
Next Generation Science Standards: A Reasonable Response
Brad Batdorf (202)
The latest national standards for science education call for some revolutionary changes in instructional practices. Come learn about the new standards and their potential impact on science students.
Parent-Teacher Relations: Positive Communications
Faith Baptist College (205)
How to Answer "When Am I Going to Use This?"
Cornelia A. Van Cott (204)
Sally from the comic strip Peanuts once said, "Only in math problems can you buy 60 cantaloupes, and no one asks what is wrong with you." Sally was right. Mathematics can often be disconnected from reality. But our dialogue should not stop there -- there is more to the story! In this session, we will discuss the "big picture" behind every-day classroom learning of mathematics. We will highlight current developments in math, and we will discuss a deeper perspective on mathematics both as an art and as a tool
Developing Godly Character in Our Children (Kindergarten and Elementary)
Judy Brewster (206)
Luke 2 has given us a brief glimpse into the life of Jesus Christ as a twelve-year-old. His example there shows us a child that is a far cry from the average adolescent today. What if we could help our children and students mirror the beautiful picture that we see in the adolescent years of Jesus? This session will provide several important character traits that parents and teachers should be developing in their
children brefore they reach the age of twelve. Practical ideas will be given to encourage the development of Christian character in the elementary-age child.
Wrong Assumptions and Misunderstandings
John Alenn (207)
Speech-Language Problems in Adolescents
Kris Miller (208)
Speech-Language problems do not disappear when a child enters middle and high school. In fact, these deficits are often exacerbated by the additional expectations placed upon these students. This workshop will identify the language, literacy, and social issues prevalent in adolescents, and provide accommodations and strategies for building up these abilities necessary for academic and social success.
Super Workshops V (Friday 8:30-9:20)
Organizing Your Classroom
Vickii (Nesbit) Carter (A14)
I Always Wanted to Learn How to Play Chess!
Bob Ogden (B3)
Whether you want to offer chess to your study hall students, teach your kindergarten class, start a chess club, or just learn how to play yourself; you will want to learn a few rules and strategies. Free professional support for each attendee.
Participants will learn the names of the pieces, where they start on the board, how they move, and what initial strategy should be used.
Participants will, also, discover how to start a chess club, how to build a competitive chess team, and how to receive a free professional, online lesson.
Ideas for Teaching Spanish in the Elementary Classroom
Ann Carruthers (B5)
This workshop will provide pre-school and elementary teachers a variety of ideas on how to make the study of the Spanish language an exciting adventure for their students.
A New World: Teenage Influences in the Mobile Age
Dave Luttrull (B6)
I see this session as focusing on who is influencing teenagers in the modern era. (Hint: Most adults have never even heard of the YouTube or Snapchat stars most influential in the modern teenager's world). Then, I'd like discuss the results of the influence. I think the influences come in multiple forms. (1) Teens are influenced to be accepting of whatever someone wants to do. (2) Many teens are encouraged to explore their own sense of "identity" and desires (3) Teens attempting to fit in by changing who they are or hiding their faith. There's a lot to be said on this topic
Rick Moore/Rory Bond (B8)
It's Just Kindergarten, Right?...Wrong!
Bonnie Brater (B10)
How many times have I heard someone say, "You teach Kindergarten? You have it easy." This is so not true! When you look at all that's involved and expected of you as a Kindergarten teacher, it's a huge responsibility. We are laying the foundation on which the students' learning experiences will built. It needs to be well grounded, firm, and also well rounded. I want to look at a few areas, such as: what's involved in teaching a kindergärtner, how to teach them, and aids and manipulatives to help with teaching them. And, of course one of the most important aspects - communication, with both the students and the parents.
IDOE Small School Grading
IDOE workshops (B11)
The Teacher-Parent: Extending Home Into the School
Marty Von (103/105)
In a culture of fragmented families, children can be overwhelmed and beset by behavioral issues from early elementary continuing to their high school years. Such students are candidates for problems ranging from belligerence or bullying to shyness and silence. Caring teachers are being forced into a role that includes trainer, advisor, and caregiver. Often when a teacher reaches out to help students facing difficult family issues, the matter becomes more complex and certain skills of parenting are a necessary priority. The “teacher-parent” becomes an extension of the student’s home life and now must consider how to minister to see this student’s world turned around. This session focuses on how to wisely care for “broken-home” children and to encourage them to pursue a lifetime walk with Jesus.
Taking the Hiss out of History Class (Secondary)
John Reese (104/106)
Too many students dread history class almost as much as a trip to the dentist’s office. This practical session is designed to provide you with creative ideas to add life and zest to your history. Consequently, students’ distain toward history will be replaced with delight.
Critical Thinking: Does Your Curriculum Include Enough Critical Thinking Activities?
Dr. William Licht (107)
Scripture demands that Christians be critical thinkers and secondary classrooms are an ideal venue to develop critical thinking skills.
Sharon Phelps (202)
Placing the Glamour Back into Grammar (Secondary)
Penscola - Cindy Quinlan (203)
Glamour evolved from the term grammar, for in medieval times, magic was associated with learning and knowledge. While the two terms retain significant distinctions in today’s culture, we English teachers can certainly strive to show our students the inherent enchantment of grammar. Knowing how important the knowledge of grammar is in producing effective communicators, we need to be sure that we present grammar in a clear, concise, and engaging manner. In this session, we’ll cover incorporating creative introductions, clarifying difficult concepts, supplying review hints, and applying grammar to writing as we continually strive to sharpen our skills as grammar teachers.
Managing Combined Classrooms 101
Faith Baptist College (205)
Complete in Him (General)
Judy Brewster (206)
Today’s culture has trained our feminine minds to constantly wonder if we are pretty enough, fit enough, smart enough, or good enough. The list of products and self-help books seems endless, and the pursuit of a better self-image has left us frustrated, hurting, and unfulfilled. It is not until we put our focus on truly seeing ourselves as God sees us and regard others as more imporant than ourselves that we can begin to know the satisfaction, security, and fulfillment that we long for. This session will provide ideas to help us and our students develop a truly biblical view of self.
Vickii (Nesbit) Carter (A14)
I Always Wanted to Learn How to Play Chess!
Bob Ogden (B3)
Whether you want to offer chess to your study hall students, teach your kindergarten class, start a chess club, or just learn how to play yourself; you will want to learn a few rules and strategies. Free professional support for each attendee.
Participants will learn the names of the pieces, where they start on the board, how they move, and what initial strategy should be used.
Participants will, also, discover how to start a chess club, how to build a competitive chess team, and how to receive a free professional, online lesson.
Ideas for Teaching Spanish in the Elementary Classroom
Ann Carruthers (B5)
This workshop will provide pre-school and elementary teachers a variety of ideas on how to make the study of the Spanish language an exciting adventure for their students.
A New World: Teenage Influences in the Mobile Age
Dave Luttrull (B6)
I see this session as focusing on who is influencing teenagers in the modern era. (Hint: Most adults have never even heard of the YouTube or Snapchat stars most influential in the modern teenager's world). Then, I'd like discuss the results of the influence. I think the influences come in multiple forms. (1) Teens are influenced to be accepting of whatever someone wants to do. (2) Many teens are encouraged to explore their own sense of "identity" and desires (3) Teens attempting to fit in by changing who they are or hiding their faith. There's a lot to be said on this topic
Rick Moore/Rory Bond (B8)
It's Just Kindergarten, Right?...Wrong!
Bonnie Brater (B10)
How many times have I heard someone say, "You teach Kindergarten? You have it easy." This is so not true! When you look at all that's involved and expected of you as a Kindergarten teacher, it's a huge responsibility. We are laying the foundation on which the students' learning experiences will built. It needs to be well grounded, firm, and also well rounded. I want to look at a few areas, such as: what's involved in teaching a kindergärtner, how to teach them, and aids and manipulatives to help with teaching them. And, of course one of the most important aspects - communication, with both the students and the parents.
IDOE Small School Grading
IDOE workshops (B11)
The Teacher-Parent: Extending Home Into the School
Marty Von (103/105)
In a culture of fragmented families, children can be overwhelmed and beset by behavioral issues from early elementary continuing to their high school years. Such students are candidates for problems ranging from belligerence or bullying to shyness and silence. Caring teachers are being forced into a role that includes trainer, advisor, and caregiver. Often when a teacher reaches out to help students facing difficult family issues, the matter becomes more complex and certain skills of parenting are a necessary priority. The “teacher-parent” becomes an extension of the student’s home life and now must consider how to minister to see this student’s world turned around. This session focuses on how to wisely care for “broken-home” children and to encourage them to pursue a lifetime walk with Jesus.
Taking the Hiss out of History Class (Secondary)
John Reese (104/106)
Too many students dread history class almost as much as a trip to the dentist’s office. This practical session is designed to provide you with creative ideas to add life and zest to your history. Consequently, students’ distain toward history will be replaced with delight.
Critical Thinking: Does Your Curriculum Include Enough Critical Thinking Activities?
Dr. William Licht (107)
Scripture demands that Christians be critical thinkers and secondary classrooms are an ideal venue to develop critical thinking skills.
Sharon Phelps (202)
Placing the Glamour Back into Grammar (Secondary)
Penscola - Cindy Quinlan (203)
Glamour evolved from the term grammar, for in medieval times, magic was associated with learning and knowledge. While the two terms retain significant distinctions in today’s culture, we English teachers can certainly strive to show our students the inherent enchantment of grammar. Knowing how important the knowledge of grammar is in producing effective communicators, we need to be sure that we present grammar in a clear, concise, and engaging manner. In this session, we’ll cover incorporating creative introductions, clarifying difficult concepts, supplying review hints, and applying grammar to writing as we continually strive to sharpen our skills as grammar teachers.
Managing Combined Classrooms 101
Faith Baptist College (205)
Complete in Him (General)
Judy Brewster (206)
Today’s culture has trained our feminine minds to constantly wonder if we are pretty enough, fit enough, smart enough, or good enough. The list of products and self-help books seems endless, and the pursuit of a better self-image has left us frustrated, hurting, and unfulfilled. It is not until we put our focus on truly seeing ourselves as God sees us and regard others as more imporant than ourselves that we can begin to know the satisfaction, security, and fulfillment that we long for. This session will provide ideas to help us and our students develop a truly biblical view of self.
Workshop VI (Friday 9:40-10:20)
Teaching Music Literacy: Ideas for Teaching and Learning the Musical Language
Roger VanMaasdam (Taylor Chapel)
It is so important to be able to read music in order to sing and play well. The process should begin immediately with the commencing of music lessons, elementary band and children’s choir. Yet many people still struggle with note reading and often remain in the music illiterate category. If you want a fine church choir and great congregational singing, teach your members how to read music. Learn how to help your aspiring musicians become comfortable and skillful at note reading.
ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines on Speaking, Writing, Listening, and Reading
Lorenzo Martinez (A14)
Taking the Next Step in Professional Development - Becoming a Teacher Leader
Brian Carruthers (B5)
Is professional development important for the Christian School teacher? What does it look like and how does it happen? Every teacher should desire to show professional growth and be that catalyst for continious academic improvement in his or her school. This workshop explores the concept and characteristics of teacher leadership in the 21st century Christian School.
Medical Emergency
Rick Moore/Rory Bond (B8)
Google Classroom: A Different Way to Manage Your Classes
Daniel Coffman (B9)
Google Classroom is the hub of Google’s popular G Suite for Education. As the teacher, you can assign and receive homework, give out feedback, and communicate with your students. This all sounds wonderful, but is it right for your classroom? How do you implement this kind of technology in your classes and how will your students react? At this workshop, we will discuss the benefits and challenges of using Google Classroom as well as some related apps that many teachers use with it. Google Chromebooks will be provided so that you can get hands-on experience.
The Wonders of the Order and Design in Mathematics
Brian Rinehart (B10)
Our Depressed Kids: Changing Depression Dynamics (Part 1)
Marty Von (103/105)
Depression comes in multi-colored shapes and sizes as it invades the human soul. There are those in our classroom numbed by anxieties, living in a brain fog with no forward life motivation. Recently a young child described this feeling as being surrounded by darkness, being in a deep hole with no way of escape. She made suggestions like killing herself, stabbing her parents, and hating her life. How can an under 10 year old child who professes faith in Jesus Christ be in such a desperate emotional state? How do we turn this world upside down for those we teach from darkness and gloom to light and life? What do we say to those flattened, fatigued, and filled with discouragement? How do we get the attention of the discernibly depressed student? In this two-part presentation, we will look at depression’s dynamics and provide tools to serve these students by offering them help and hope.
Classroom Management: Effective Instruction Does Not Exist Without a Structured Classroom
Dr. William Licht (107)
Learn how to create a positive classroom behavior plan that engages all learners and thereby creates a great learning environment
Sharon Phelps (202)
Repetition Vs. Redundancy: Review Games and Ideas to Keep Students Engaged (Secondary)
Penscola - Cindy Quinlan (203)
While frequent review is critical in helping students remember and internalize the concepts they’re learning, its very frequency makes it a challenge to keep fresh. Keeping students engaged and active in review throughout the school year often leaves the teacher scrambling for new ideas. This session will cover a number of review ideas to add to your own personal review repertoire.
Utilizing Untapped Resources
Faith Baptist College (205)
Dealing with Difficult Relationships (General)
Judy Brewster (206)
We know we should be able to get along with others, yet sometimes conflict seems unavoidable. This session will not only provide biblical principles on handling difficult relationships but will also offer practical ideas on how to resolve those seemingly inevitable conflicts.
A Different Kind of Responsibility — Biblically Confronting Others
Matt Williams (207)
As Christians we have two key responsibilities to other believers: (1) praising the good by edifying, and (2) biblically confronting the wrongdoing of others. This workshop will discuss this unpleasant but indispensable responsibility that a Christian is to fulfill out of genuine love.
The Wonders of the Order and Design in Mathematics
Brian Rinehart (208)
Roger VanMaasdam (Taylor Chapel)
It is so important to be able to read music in order to sing and play well. The process should begin immediately with the commencing of music lessons, elementary band and children’s choir. Yet many people still struggle with note reading and often remain in the music illiterate category. If you want a fine church choir and great congregational singing, teach your members how to read music. Learn how to help your aspiring musicians become comfortable and skillful at note reading.
ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines on Speaking, Writing, Listening, and Reading
Lorenzo Martinez (A14)
Taking the Next Step in Professional Development - Becoming a Teacher Leader
Brian Carruthers (B5)
Is professional development important for the Christian School teacher? What does it look like and how does it happen? Every teacher should desire to show professional growth and be that catalyst for continious academic improvement in his or her school. This workshop explores the concept and characteristics of teacher leadership in the 21st century Christian School.
Medical Emergency
Rick Moore/Rory Bond (B8)
Google Classroom: A Different Way to Manage Your Classes
Daniel Coffman (B9)
Google Classroom is the hub of Google’s popular G Suite for Education. As the teacher, you can assign and receive homework, give out feedback, and communicate with your students. This all sounds wonderful, but is it right for your classroom? How do you implement this kind of technology in your classes and how will your students react? At this workshop, we will discuss the benefits and challenges of using Google Classroom as well as some related apps that many teachers use with it. Google Chromebooks will be provided so that you can get hands-on experience.
The Wonders of the Order and Design in Mathematics
Brian Rinehart (B10)
Our Depressed Kids: Changing Depression Dynamics (Part 1)
Marty Von (103/105)
Depression comes in multi-colored shapes and sizes as it invades the human soul. There are those in our classroom numbed by anxieties, living in a brain fog with no forward life motivation. Recently a young child described this feeling as being surrounded by darkness, being in a deep hole with no way of escape. She made suggestions like killing herself, stabbing her parents, and hating her life. How can an under 10 year old child who professes faith in Jesus Christ be in such a desperate emotional state? How do we turn this world upside down for those we teach from darkness and gloom to light and life? What do we say to those flattened, fatigued, and filled with discouragement? How do we get the attention of the discernibly depressed student? In this two-part presentation, we will look at depression’s dynamics and provide tools to serve these students by offering them help and hope.
Classroom Management: Effective Instruction Does Not Exist Without a Structured Classroom
Dr. William Licht (107)
Learn how to create a positive classroom behavior plan that engages all learners and thereby creates a great learning environment
Sharon Phelps (202)
Repetition Vs. Redundancy: Review Games and Ideas to Keep Students Engaged (Secondary)
Penscola - Cindy Quinlan (203)
While frequent review is critical in helping students remember and internalize the concepts they’re learning, its very frequency makes it a challenge to keep fresh. Keeping students engaged and active in review throughout the school year often leaves the teacher scrambling for new ideas. This session will cover a number of review ideas to add to your own personal review repertoire.
Utilizing Untapped Resources
Faith Baptist College (205)
Dealing with Difficult Relationships (General)
Judy Brewster (206)
We know we should be able to get along with others, yet sometimes conflict seems unavoidable. This session will not only provide biblical principles on handling difficult relationships but will also offer practical ideas on how to resolve those seemingly inevitable conflicts.
A Different Kind of Responsibility — Biblically Confronting Others
Matt Williams (207)
As Christians we have two key responsibilities to other believers: (1) praising the good by edifying, and (2) biblically confronting the wrongdoing of others. This workshop will discuss this unpleasant but indispensable responsibility that a Christian is to fulfill out of genuine love.
The Wonders of the Order and Design in Mathematics
Brian Rinehart (208)
Workshop VII (Friday 10:55-11:45)
The World Readiness Standards for Learning Languages as They Relate to the IDOE Standards
Lorenzo Martinez (A14)
Starting Your Own School Chess League
Bob Ogden (B3)
What would your basketball program be like without a league in which to play? Sports teams need leagues to flourish, and chess programs are no different. Let our expertise show you how to become a critical thinking and public relations leader in your area at no cost to your school! Bring your smart phones to access
The Influence of a Godly Teacher
Brian Carruthers (B5)
Teachers sometimes forget the incredible opportunities for spiritual influence that they have on their students and their parents during the course of the school year. This workshop helps refocus our thinking on what may be "more important" than teaching reading, writing, and arithmetic!
Rick Moore/Rory Bond (B8)
The First Thanksgiving, What Really Happened?
John Rinehart (B10)
Our Depressed Kids: Changing Depression Dynamics (Part 2)
Marty Von (103/105)
Depression comes in multi-colored shapes and sizes as it invades the human soul. There are those in our classroom numbed by anxieties, living in a brain fog with no forward life motivation. Recently a young child described this feeling as being surrounded by darkness, being in a deep hole with no way of escape. She made suggestions like killing herself, stabbing her parents, and hating her life. How can an under 10 year old child who professes faith in Jesus Christ be in such a desperate emotional state? How do we turn this world upside down for those we teach from darkness and gloom to light and life? What do we say to those flattened, fatigued, and filled with discouragement? How do we get the attention of the discernibly depressed student? In this two-part presentation, we will look at depression’s dynamics and provide tools to serve these students by offering them help and hope.
Making Your Curriculum Work: Aligning Standards, Instruction, and Assessment
Dr. William Licht (107)
Educators should be active participants in the design and constant review of curriculum, no matter the source. What makes a good curriculum? How do teachers know if the curriculum works?
Sharon Phelps (202)
How Does It Feel to Win the AACS National Bible Qiuzzing and How Your Team Can Travel Down That Road
Sandy Turner (203)
Overview of Technology in the Classroom
Faith Baptist College (205)
Gender Mentor: Promoting a Biblical View of Gender
Dan Best (206)
This session will answer many questions likened to the following: What is gender mentoring and why is it so important? Is gender mentoring a biblical concept? How does one engage in gender mentoring? Who should be the primary mentors? When mentoring fails, what is next? What organizations promote biblical gender mentoring?
Becoming the Leader God Called You to Be
Matt Williams (207)
Jesus Christ was the greatest teacher and leader of all time; and leadership is in essence influence. What did Christ have to say about leadership and influence? Workshop presents seven key principles taught by Christ—great principles to study, implement in our lives, and teach to others.
Interactive Whiteboards
Andrew Fry (208)
Is it even possible? Can classroom technology be exciting, easy to use, practical, and cheap!? Come see how you can turn your existing data projector and whiteboard into an interactive tool that can increase learning, improve your teaching, and encourage collaboration. This hands-on workshop will demonstrate how you can effectively use an interactive whiteboard in your existing classroom.
Lorenzo Martinez (A14)
Starting Your Own School Chess League
Bob Ogden (B3)
What would your basketball program be like without a league in which to play? Sports teams need leagues to flourish, and chess programs are no different. Let our expertise show you how to become a critical thinking and public relations leader in your area at no cost to your school! Bring your smart phones to access
The Influence of a Godly Teacher
Brian Carruthers (B5)
Teachers sometimes forget the incredible opportunities for spiritual influence that they have on their students and their parents during the course of the school year. This workshop helps refocus our thinking on what may be "more important" than teaching reading, writing, and arithmetic!
Rick Moore/Rory Bond (B8)
The First Thanksgiving, What Really Happened?
John Rinehart (B10)
Our Depressed Kids: Changing Depression Dynamics (Part 2)
Marty Von (103/105)
Depression comes in multi-colored shapes and sizes as it invades the human soul. There are those in our classroom numbed by anxieties, living in a brain fog with no forward life motivation. Recently a young child described this feeling as being surrounded by darkness, being in a deep hole with no way of escape. She made suggestions like killing herself, stabbing her parents, and hating her life. How can an under 10 year old child who professes faith in Jesus Christ be in such a desperate emotional state? How do we turn this world upside down for those we teach from darkness and gloom to light and life? What do we say to those flattened, fatigued, and filled with discouragement? How do we get the attention of the discernibly depressed student? In this two-part presentation, we will look at depression’s dynamics and provide tools to serve these students by offering them help and hope.
Making Your Curriculum Work: Aligning Standards, Instruction, and Assessment
Dr. William Licht (107)
Educators should be active participants in the design and constant review of curriculum, no matter the source. What makes a good curriculum? How do teachers know if the curriculum works?
Sharon Phelps (202)
How Does It Feel to Win the AACS National Bible Qiuzzing and How Your Team Can Travel Down That Road
Sandy Turner (203)
Overview of Technology in the Classroom
Faith Baptist College (205)
Gender Mentor: Promoting a Biblical View of Gender
Dan Best (206)
This session will answer many questions likened to the following: What is gender mentoring and why is it so important? Is gender mentoring a biblical concept? How does one engage in gender mentoring? Who should be the primary mentors? When mentoring fails, what is next? What organizations promote biblical gender mentoring?
Becoming the Leader God Called You to Be
Matt Williams (207)
Jesus Christ was the greatest teacher and leader of all time; and leadership is in essence influence. What did Christ have to say about leadership and influence? Workshop presents seven key principles taught by Christ—great principles to study, implement in our lives, and teach to others.
Interactive Whiteboards
Andrew Fry (208)
Is it even possible? Can classroom technology be exciting, easy to use, practical, and cheap!? Come see how you can turn your existing data projector and whiteboard into an interactive tool that can increase learning, improve your teaching, and encourage collaboration. This hands-on workshop will demonstrate how you can effectively use an interactive whiteboard in your existing classroom.
As it becomes available, we will add workshop information here.